Friday, November 4, 2011

Bangalore, Day 1

Well, I'm sitting here in my room in Bangalore after a half-day of work at one of our offices here. We chose to sleep in as we arrived here in Bangalore well after midnight and didn't get to our hotel until 2:30 am. I was very much looking forward to this:

After sleeping into about 10ish, I got up and met my manager downstairs for lunch. They have three very cool, open air restaurants here at our hotel. So this was my view at lunch:

And another:

In the first pic, you should be able to make out the pool that is connected to this particular restaurant, the Lido. Pretty cool infinity pool available to us. The other two restaurants/bars are very similar and we will be going to them tonight.

Then Pam and I went to the office to get situated and do some quick meetings with some old and new faces. Good quick day at the office as Monday will be a holiday here. As mentioned previously, we have decided Monday will be our trip to the Mysore Palace.

As I write this, it is approximately 5:45 pm. Luke, a coworker buddy of mine was here and leaves "tonight" at 2 am so he is going to join us for dinner and drinks. I'll be definitely taking more pics to post, provided I don't crash too early! I'm gonna try and make it at least until Luke has to head to the airport!

Finally, I hope to post a fact I learn daily of my location. Friday's fact: Bangalore is considered the pub capital of India! Kingfisher has a very large brewery here as well. All in all, shaping up to be my kinda place wouldn't you agree? ~ Rich

Location:Bhaskaran Rd,Bengaluru,India

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